JudasIscariot: And you say the sneaking mechanics are bad? Like how bad exacly? Does she have the same tap dancing shoes that Garret did?
There is a sneak button, and you hold it down to crouch and sneak around. You sneak up behind a guy and press a button to kill. It's extremely easy to get lost, and you die after being shot twice. There are no checkpoints you make yourself, so when you die, you better hope to Jesus that you restart somewhere somewhat close to where you were. They also aren't clear enough to let you know where you can hide, and how far the enemy's eyesight goes. At one part in the first level the game told me that bushes were a good place to hide. Little did I know that I was hiding in the wrong bushes (?), because my little silhouette health bar didn't go dark, and I was ventilated.
The Morphine basically "alters" your memories for ten seconds. What that means is that you change into a skimpy nightgown, the screen is surrounded by white, only letting you see what's right in front of you, and you can run up to a person and kill him without the worry of him seeing you. It makes no sense to the story, because you're in a coma, and you're finding morphine in your flashback dream that somehow makes your flashback dream easier, when you obviously didn't have this useful tool when you were doing this all in real life. Also, her changing into her hospital nightie is ridiculous, because I'm pretty sure you wouldn't be aware of the clothes you were wearing in real life, since they normally change you into that stuff when YOU'RE IN A COMA.
I reached a small hub, where the game promptly gave me a fetch quest to open a door. That's about when I had enough.
honorbuddy: The Leisure Suit Larry games are quite excellent.
Except for when they started to make them 3D. Box Office Bust is by far the most broken current-gen game I've ever seen. GameTrailers has a review that highlights just how awful this game can be.