Ariana - Thinking your words would fall on deaf ears, it seems your apology was accepted as one woman mutters, "Jest'n arn't thar best" she pauses, "Ila al leka' Quarta."
You collect the last of your items, along with Hormwharr who rises from the floor and returns to his bedroll. Maighstir mimics you and packs his gear.
You all leave the Common Room; its tantalising smells behind you now, and step out into the early morning's forth sun light as it peaks over the horizon.
The hamlet is still relatively empty, the buildings around you are streaked with dust and grime, all whipped up by the prevailing wind. You notice the pen which contained locked up farming equipment has been left open, its contents probably taken up the road to the North. Along this byway, as you look past the Market, you see a series of stepped fields in the middle distance. Occasionally you see the glint of iron in the morning's light and shadowy forms moving about. Above them, the jagged peaks of the North rise with a foreboding presence, the fourth sun picking out their frozen tops.
Behind the Market is a stone building, its design is of a quazi-perzurzain nature. At the Southern end, a squat tower rises up from the bracken heath, and out from its high black windows large spindles protrude. It’s strange design is clearly for functionality, these racks are common place in a Tannery. The surface of the building looks to be in ill condition though, the lower Northern end has a large hole in the roof and the windows on the ground floor are boarded. Large quantities of grass and Saltbush have choked up the entrances and Creeping Ivy lashes the Tannery's barn doors together.
To the East is a roundhouse which appears to be better kept that the ones immediately visible, the walls are a little cleaner and are simply adorned with geometric designs. Walking closer you see a plaque on the Western wall, it appears to be made of wood, but it is heavily weathered; taking on the appearance of stone. The carved letters instruct Caravan drivers to park their mules at the stable and report to the town Elder for current taxation rates. The arrow points to around the font of the domicile.
Immediately across the Copper Road East-bound is a large stocky roundhouse with a barred door. The multiple entrances and detritus around the yard suggest some storehouse or silo. The entrances look well secured, but no one appears to be on guard. The final confirmation of its use is the worn stone slab path leading out of the largest egress on the Western side. Under closer inspection the pathway is worn with cart wheel grooves, and snakes its way to the North side of the Market, ending at a set of large doors.
The last visible building is an open Stable facing South. It has a very simple foundry nestled under a thatched awning to the eastern end, but the area is empty and the forge is not lit. Within the open Stables you can see only one mule whose attention seems to be set upon chewing the pen's gate post. You suspect the other animals have been lead out to pasture.
The wander about town proves interesting, and around you the hot wind pulls at your clothes, the incessant rustle of Marram Grass and Saltbush, briar and weed fills your ears. Occasionally you can make out a bird call as the spring morning draws itself out from the night. The sky is a mottled grey but the forth sun's flecks of light produce long shadows and eerie shapes at your feet.
You are all standing outside the Market place again, its door still closed. The swinging sign makes an occasional squeak, its battered surface lacking the garish paint job it once had years ago.
Local Map Completed.