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Ulemoon – Aequus Nox: RPG Thread

The Gods spat out our world from their boilin’ pot; a damp thing with hot winds and too much life. Verdantly the flora sprawls, spillin’ endlessly to the mountains East and into the Rust Sea West. We t’wernt the first though, that’s for sure, defiantly not Men. Some say the Elves were the ones to anger the Gods, but that’s just lies and hate. We all know because the things in the Downbellows arn’t Elvish, and they an’t Dwarf too. T’were lucky Men knew how to farm the steppes for Rice or we’d still be scratching around hunt’n and gathrin’ like those dirty Orcs. But those angers long since gone now, Rorksrak and his army t’were trod under foot Moons ago; but I knows somethin’s brews’n; I feel it in me bones.
Ulemoon is fine if you stick to livin’ in Aequus, though the tavern is shit and piss; nothing to look at cept them muddy farmers. The caravans pass by and always trade, though thems going to Nox most likely. Aequus is the only place to stop to feed their mules, stick’n to the Copper Road like tar; derin’ not to stray.
The only thing to happen’ round here which were queer, were these three strapped types showed up. T’were all races, an Elf, some half-caste Orc and a Man. Either they’re startin’ trouble or looking for it - pack’n heat like that. Glad they won’t be stayin’ long, not till they find out they’re walkin’ into the wrong town for what they want. They’re’ll be more of them; it’s a sign of the times. Whatever the Moon and her sisters got in store for us, I know Quarters like them crop up when something is afoot. That hot wind from the South blows cold sometimes; I swear I’ve felt it, and it strikes the fear of the Seven Suns into me.
Anyway, I’ve been yack’n too long and my Sakes cold like the feelin’ in my bones. Don’t you get any funny ideas about going beyond the Stepfield son, stick with your pen and what you know, because even that half-caste isn’t safe anymore.
Now bring me another drink, I want to forget what I saw fly’n overhead...

Welcome to Ulemoon adventurer, hold your weapon tight and have your wits about you, as everyone has something to hide. If you require more information about this Role Play Game, please visit the following notice boards next to the Bar:]
Ulemoon – Aequus Nox: Character Creation[/url]
Ulemoon – Aequus Nox: OoC Disscussion
Steady your sights and wrap your cloak about you as Act I is about to commence.
ACT I – Boundaries Beyond
Briars wave in the night breeze. The warm spring night is laid before you, the rolling hills rise into distant peaks. The horizon is a jagged scar of black upon a satin-purple night’s sky. Fireflies dance like fire spit, the air heavy with the scent of Honeysuckle. You have found yourself travelling with like minded adventures, or Quarters as you’re locally known. You all have your own story; but perhaps that can wait until you arrive at the lights you can see in the distance. The road upon which you walk is a well trodden path; the Copper Road it’s called, the route which the Eastern caravans trade goods with the West. Around you the landscape undulates in steps, a terrain spilt with growth. The southern darkness is broken up by large rocky outcrops and a solitary tree silhouetted against the night’s sky. It is a land covered in vegetation and undergrowth, over hanging rocks, cliffs and hidden streams.
The road cuts through it, the steppes filled with shingle and sand, tamped down by ten thousand crossing feet. A slight curve in the road brings you around an outcropping to a delicate incline towards a hamlet, picked out by guttering torchlight. The wind from the south is hot, something to which you have never really grown accustomed to. The surrounding Marram Grass moves together, swirling around like hair, tussled by the weather.
As you approach a caravan rumbles towards you, its bright geometric calligraphy is visible by the light of the moons, its driver covered in layers of flapping fabric. He gently guides his train of mules past you; the tightly secured wagon is watched over by two guards standing on a porch at the back. They eyeball you as the trader rumbles past, their swarthy skin an inky black, blue eyes shine the moonlight back at you.
At the edge of the hamlet you enter the partially cobbled streets, you all need a pallet for the night, but the place looks dead. Low wooden roundhouses and a small stone building behind a palloza are immediately visible. The largest of the roundhouses has a sign hanging next to a dark alcove. The streets look deserted, but torches on iron brackets just about keep the narrow street lit.
Post edited April 18, 2009 by Romulus
"Fellow travellers, I'm weary and famished, I'm going to go have a look for a place suited to our needs. Either of you feel like accompanying me in a brief wander?"
I shall procede at a slow walking pace towards the central roundhouse with the sign, as this deviation promises something other than a local's domicile.
Hormwharr - You walk further into the knot of buildings; the sent of broth stimulates your nose, but its gone in seconds. You approach the central roundhouse and peer at it's sign, the moon picking out the chiselled surface. It depict a Man with large basket on his back, hands in water pulling up a spruce. "Market" is written in common under the pictorial. You look into the darkened alcove and see the large wicker and iron door barred shut.
Maighstir and Ariana follow you, looking about as they walk to the Market's front door. You all observe the layout of the hamlet.
hamlet.jpg (124 Kb)
Post edited April 18, 2009 by Romulus
Slightly suspicious of it being so quiet, I keep an eye out for possible trouble as I walk up to the door and get ready to unleash my diplomatic skills if needed
As you all stand outside the closed Market, over the rustle of the hot wind, you hear the sound of an outside door being unlatched. Like the scent of the broth you smelt, intelligible words drift past your ears, only to then hear a door closing; deadening the sound.
Dust close by is kicked up by a surge of wind, the mote reflects back the moon and her sister's light.
"Hello? Anyone there? We're looking for lodgings"
Ariana - You call out, waiting to see if someone will appear. There doesn't seem to be anyone about, but your noise has clearly attracted the attention of the small roundhouse to the left of the market.
You waiting patiently, after seeing torchlight spear through the cracks in the building's shutters. The door opens and a man leans out, holding his torch up in the air to spread more light into the narrow street. He looks at the three of you standing outside the Market.
"ژڀٺڛږڣڛۍ ݛڬڠۏۈڿ ݤݔ", he calls, clearly restraining his voice from shouting. Confused at your lack of reply, he takes a step out from his domicile onto the cobbles and says in common with a thick accent, "Markarts closed, come bark in dar marnin', ya dolts".
He starts closing the roundhouse door.
Local Map Updated
Post edited April 19, 2009 by Romulus
I stand silent, letting the others do the talking, knowing full well that my involvement usually worsens diplomatic situations.
Maighstir - Meanwhile as you stand there you notice a star soundlessly fall from the night's sky.
Whilst the star falls I have my back turned and in my unaware state will never know how close I was to such a celestial rarity.
I exclaim at the man loudly: "Where can we lodge for the night then? And refrain from calling us dolts and politely answer the question, sir dolt"
I open my arms to suggest that he give us a direction to wards some more friendly aid (not difficult given his manner).
The man stops short of closing his door completely and opens it wide again. He steps out fully into the light of the moons, his attire is of a loose wool shirt and grubby leggings. He raises his torch and calls, "Yar darty Mercs, get yar h'eys screw'd arn -right-. Ya blind pox riddl'd dolts, can't yar see yander?!" He gestures with his torch around the left hand side of the Market, "Get ye ta bed and shut yar mouths!"
He turns and shuts his door with a bang, the light within is quickly extinguished.
Local Map Updated.
Post edited April 19, 2009 by Romulus
I mutter under my breath, in my slightly broken common "T'least 'e pointed us sumwhere, though I can't really blame 'im. Wouldn' be much 'appy t'be woken 't dese 'ours m'self. Let's git to sleep an' see wha' dis town can offer us in de mornin'."
(Hmm, trying to get the words to be dialectal, due to having a vocal tract more attuned to the orcish guttural speech than human-like language, but the grammar to be correct due to good scholarship and training in the monastery)
Post edited April 19, 2009 by Miaghstir
"Well I don't know about you fellows, but there seems to be nothing of import here and now, so I shall retire for the eve. Whoever fancies a wander about town in the morning meet at the market. after daybreak"
I turn and walk towards the common room in hopes of some rest. I wonder if my companions will follow, I cant think of anything better to do around here personally. The place seems dreary for the time being.
You decide to follow Hormwharr to the Common Room and you all walk around the Market towards where the local pointed. As you make your way there, lit by the guttering torches, a road can be observed leading off south into the steppes; its paving similar to the Copper Road.
The short walk reveals more of the hamlet, as next to the Market, barrels and empty carts line the wall. Farming equipment steeped in shadows is locked within a pen, muddied with the previous day's use. A scrap of some dirty cloth billows its way across you in the hot wind, becoming caught on the pen's gate.
To the right is a larger stone building with a squat tower, its rough stone picked out by the moons. You can't even guess its use while obscured by the purple night, as the building has no outside torches.
Reaching the front door of the roundhouse Common Room, hidden within its alcove, you all see the knocker is shaped into iron ball on a chain, but the door is slightly open anyway.
Hormwharr - looking through the gap, a tallow candle on top of a box lights what you can see of the room. Deeply shadowed bodies lay upon pallets, some covered with blankets. The gentle sound of snoring drifts into the night.
Post edited April 19, 2009 by Romulus
I slip in quietly, doing a quick search for thieves and somewhere to sleep