But the fatality rate is not higher than the average flu. In fact, it is currently much lower than a normal flu. Even the infection rates are currently lower than a normal flu. While there are currently about 2600 confirmed infections worldwide, there are still only 8 confirmed deaths. There are 100+ suspected deaths, but suspicion does not equal an increased fatality rate. Every day the infection rate does go up, while the fatality rate drops accordingly. This flu is currently considered to be rather widespread, but it is not virulent at all and it is still considered a mild flu. There is a concern that as it spreads it could become stronger, but it currently is not at all. You need to stop buying into and spreading the panic and everyone just needs to follow common sense, i.e. cover when you cough or sneeze, wash your hands regularly, see your doctor if you develop sympotoms, etc. and no one will have anything to worry about.