UrielDagda: Unfortunately the Wishlist has no real feedback to it. It's kinda like wishing at the wall, especially when most of the games at the top of the list are, in my eyes, rather new (I thought this was Good OLD Games!), and most of what's on here or high on the wishlist are active genres.
Syme: System Shock 2, Planescape: Torment, System Shock, Baldur's Gate II: Shadows Of Amn, The Secret Of Monkey Island, Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge, The Curse Of Monkey Island, Full Throttle, Indiana Jones And The Fate Of Atlantis, and Outcast are new in your eyes?
Well, at the risk of showing my age, most of those would be what would have been considered adventure or action/adventure games back in the day, not RPGs. Ever since Diablo was released, they've pretty much been slapping stats and a story on a game and calling it an RPG.
As for the Bungler's Grate games, I guess I've harbored animosity against those games since I tried them out way back when they came out and found myself fighting more with the combat system than enjoying the game. Why they couldn't have had a direct, true turnbased mode, instead of a pause and pray system is beyond me. After having the computer consistently take the longest path to get to an enemy, and forfeiting their turns.. I quite literally flung the CDs out the window.
Give me a direct control combat system like the Gold Box AD&D games over that any day! I'm a combat control freak! :)