Faithful: Thanks for the info- one more trick to keep an eye out for. Not so much of an issue if the game is mostly bug-free out of the box (and thus patches aren't a necessity if one must eventually do without), but seeing as both Bioware and EA aren't companies that I'd trust to get things right on the first go such a system would quite possibly be a deal-breaker for me if used in Dragon Age.
It is stuff like this that makes me distrust what is said, and as I posted one page 1, their wording seemed a bit odd, but it seems no one is asking about it. I can't ask on their boards as I have deleted my account there.
deoren: I saw your post. I hope you get a straight answer.
Don't worry about that, as I imagine a lot of people will be hitting them up with the hard questions. I signed up for an account today in the hopes that I'd get some clarification.