kbnrylaec: [url=]Fantasy General[/url] is 100% off now, using the time-limit redeem key:
https://www.gog.com/redeem/FB200KGIVEAWAY Any idea if it's also a limited-
quantity giveaway, too? I like freebies, but I really don't want to take a copy if it's potentially taking one away from someone more likely to play and enjoy it.
EDIT: Never mind -- someone linked to the relevant Facebook post in another thread, and there's no mention of a limited quantity, so
Fantasy General has now joined my backlog of freebies that I'll probably never try and which, if I do, I probably won't enjoy. :)
kbnrylaec: Constructor being free has been extended until 2-4-17 at 11:59 PM PST.
use the code to get a free copy:
https://www.gog.com/redeem/ZVSYRAFB kbnrylaec: And this time-traveling key seems still working.
Yeah, I checked it last month, too. :P
But I'm starting to think we should remind GOG or the devs that this code's still live, as I can't imagine they intended for it to be perpetual-use.