rtcvb32: I have everything turned off and i tend to still get spam from GoG.
That's really hard to believe.
I created a GOG account for my son in December 2019.
That account (and the e-mail address attached to it) is solely used for claiming all the freebies (and the occasional gift from me to him).
Since the day I created that account with that e-mail address, there have been
ZERO advertisement, etc. e-mails from GOG to that e-mail address
(aside from the obligatory: "Free items added to your GOG.com library", of course).
That's almost four years now, without any GOG related (spam) e-mails.
And since that e-mail address is
solely used for GOG, and GOG apparently also doesn't sell our addresses to others, there were also ZERO spam mails from other sources in that entire time
(aside from "in-house" advertisements for services from my e-mail provider itself, of course). That e-mail adress used solely for GOG is the most pristine among all my e-mail addresses. Edit: one small correction.
There actually was one other e-mail from GOG.
The announcement of updates to their "
User Agreement and Privacy Policy" in regard to Galaxy 2.0.
You know: the kind of e-mail I wish they would have sent in regard to their "updated user agreement and privacy policy", in regard of claiming free games.