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How far will you go to survive?

<span class="bold">The Long Dark</span>, an immersive struggle for post-apocalyptic survival, is available now DRM-free on

It's a beautiful, quiet apocalypse as humanity falls to its knees. Technological might laid to waste completely: the lights go out one last time, the electrical hum of machinery replaced by birdsong and... nothing. No energy, no food, no warmth. What does the future hold? The Long Dark is a first-person survival simulation that'll force you to think, and challenge you in unique ways: a frozen wasteland and the disinterest of Mother Nature may threaten your survival, but it's your own fear, greed, and humanity that'll become your worst enemy.
Now coming out of Games in Development, The Long Dark features a sandbox Survivor Mode as well as Wintermute – a brand new 5-episode single-player campaign. Episodes 1 & 2 are launching alongside the game, while episodes 3-5 are set for release throughout 2017 and 2018.

Let yourself weaken and any small threat may lead to your death. You have to earn the right to survive <span class="bold">The Long Dark</span>, DRM-free on

Please note that the Linux version of The Long Dark has been temporarily delayed due to technical issues. Watch this space for more info.
Ryamos: just incase people were wondering whether the devs want to see you criticize their game and it's unpolished and unfinished state that was released so they could appease gender ideologues, the answer is no: there is nothing to criticize citizen because there is nothing wrong with this beautiful work of art that tells men they cannot understand the death of their own children the way a woman can.
hummer010: First, the post was rather flamebait-ish.

Second, what are you even talking about?
First up: this was not my first post to their forums on steam, it was just the last one; my first (and second and third) had asked them Why they were delaying the game in favour of adding a faceless female voice and hands to the sandbox mode just because one of the devs had said they wanted their daughter to be able to play a female hero; this in and of itself is fine IF they had done this in the beginning OR after storymode had launched on time. There's no issue with female toons, but instead with making up bullshit to extend the game's launch date. Google the quote and see if someone screencapped it, they removed ALL the old news posts on hinterland's site once the game launched (total site revamp).

Secondly: wanting to discuss with people Why they went with a bullshit political stance over fixing a game before it's release is offensive maybe to people like Feminist Frequency and other snowflakes, but not to me; it's an honest question that deserves an honest answer. If, as exampled above, they had said something like "we think our daughters should have a chance to play a female survivor" perhaps because it's not often done, or because they want their girls to grow up seeing they can be outdoorsy too, that's fine; as a gamer for about 27 years (32 now) I don't see this as an issue because I grew up ina time when gaming was a thing Everyone shat on, male and female, before it was "cool" to be geek. Girls that gamed were just as shit on as men, so whatever.
But the fact that they delayed the game without so much half-assed "popular feminist" reason, and then couldn't even release the storymode without Five (that's right, FIVE) patches to fix the issues it had says it was delayed to check off a politically correct checklist and not for valid reasons (especially when, for valid reasons like fixing big problems, they did NOT delay it).

Thirdly: as someone that's watched the whole Gamergate issue from start to finish, it's been real convenient for devs to try and cover up their lazy bullshit with "you're just a mysoginist/racist if you question us" (see Mass Effect: Andromeda for the Hilarious results of that shit) and that's all I saw with this: they don't discuss ANYTHING about the delay in the launch or the problems they had, and when you suggest maybe they should have saved their ideological input for after completing their product, this is what happens: "you are banned for flame-baiting". They must've jerked themselves off over a statue of Anita Sarkeesian for that one.

So would I recommend AYONE pay for this garbage? No, and that's After I spent hours on steam in the sandbox and tried to get past the first 3 hours of the first Ep of the story (spoiler, it looks like it's a native legend which turns out to be - you guessed it! - the fault of white people for ending the world! No ideologies in this game WINK WINK).