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NoClass77: Seriously? The dudes name is Coen? Guess this one won't sell well with the alt-right or in the arab world.
Because? Coën was name of one of the witchers from Kaer Morhen in original books, so my first thought was the nod to it. The other would be Coen brothers, maybe they're "cancelled" in alt-right circles, I dunno.
ssling: Because? Coën was name of one of the witchers from Kaer Morhen in original books, so my first thought was the nod to it. The other would be Coen brothers, maybe they're "cancelled" in alt-right circles, I dunno.
It's the hebrew word for priest, one of the most common Jewish surnames. It'd be like naming the guy Goldberg or Shulman.
Namur: Part of the problem is that we, gamers, refuse to let go of ways of looking at things that i personally consider to be outdated in general and borderline inappropriate for an open world setting.

We need to stop thinking about the "perfect" ending as winning the RPG and every other ending as losing the RPG. We need to stop accepting epilogue slides that merely reflect 3 hours of picking dialogue lines from trees + narrative driven choices and for the most part ignore the other 37 hours of engagement with the gameworld as a whole.

The narrative says, "urgency"

Characterization says, "deep emotional ties to the object of the urgency"

Open world says "whatever, have at the pirates, cannibals, slavers, deserters, bandits, marauders et al"

If i chose to ignore narrative and characterization and instead listen to the open world then i won't necessarily regard a less than perfect or even dire ending as punishment, i can look at it as an accurate reflexion of how i engaged with the game world as a whole, as a broader concept of the "choice and consequence" RPG mantra applied to an open world setting.

Bottomline, 20 years from now i don't want to be playing games built under the same concepts of the games i've been playing for the past 30 years. That means new concepts, new ideas and the willingness to try them out both in which concerns devs and audiences.
Actually, no. What you want is your problem, but if you say "we", I'll say that I don't "need to", or actually need to not, give up on what I'm comfortable with and what drives me to play games in the first place in order to experiment things I'm uncomfortable with and which may generate/exacerbate anxiety and other negative and possibly downright harmful sensations in what's in its basic form a source of entertainment and escapism and possibly even a method of dealing with real-world problems or their consequences and finding some balance or aiding mental health in whatever way...
Post edited January 16, 2025 by Cavalary
nightcraw1er.488: Well, good luck to them. Not sure I would want Cyberpunk on my resume, or in fact associated with me whatsoever. Will be interesting to see what they come out with. Where will they be selling or is it too early to tell? The debut sounds interesting.
Unforgivable. A comment not absolutely everyone agrees with!

Thank god for Jimquisition.
Swedrami: .
You play as Coen
A young man turned into a Dawnwalker, forever treading the line between the world of day and the realm of night.
NoClass77: Seriously? The dudes name is Coen? Guess this one won't sell well with the alt-right or in the arab world. I don't have an issue with it, though. Reminds me of the episode of South Park with the ginger kids and Cartman refers to Kyle as the Day-walker.
With the game being made by a Polish/European studio I'm fairly certain "Coen" in this case is supposed to be short for the Dutch variant of Conrad or Konrad, Coenra(a)d/Koenra(a)d in this instance.
Swedrami: .
You play as Coen
A young man turned into a Dawnwalker, forever treading the line between the world of day and the realm of night.
NoClass77: Seriously? The dudes name is Coen? Guess this one won't sell well with the alt-right or in the arab world. I don't have an issue with it, though. Reminds me of the episode of South Park with the ginger kids and Cartman refers to Kyle as the Day-walker.
Little context would be nice. What is the issue with "coen"? Why do arabs hate them? Coen brothers have made many great movies, and some less so (like Ou Brother Whert arth thöy" was a pretty boring movie, and I totally missed the point of that Hail Ceasar movie).

Fargo, The Big Lebowski and maybe even Burn After Reading are great movies, at least the first two.
Post edited January 16, 2025 by timppu
Still prevalent reservations against anything Jewish would be the context.

It's a moot point anyway - as already pointed out, Coen is simply short for Coenraad.
Odd naming choice for a character hailing from a fictionalised version of the Carpathians though.
JomVanFliet: Odd naming choice for a character hailing from a fictionalised version of the Carpathians though.
Right, a Romanian, Hungarian, or Slavic name might've been a better fit. Vampires typically have names like Lazslo, Radu, Vlad, Janos, Anton, etc.
Sounds like metal core band.
Swedrami: (...)
.Keys: But of all the companies... it needed to be Bandai Namco?
Bye bye GOG chance for their next game. :(
basically; darn shame. we do have Little Nightmares 1 and 2 from BN though.
Post edited January 17, 2025 by tfishell
JomVanFliet: Still prevalent reservations against anything Jewish would be the context.
I actually would like to see a game rooted in Judaism.

Among the features of such a game:
* Many creatures from Jewish mythology/folklore would appear. (This includes golems, for example.)
* The plot might be based on Jewish stories.
* The music would be Jewish styles, like Klezmer.

(Note: This would be more of a fantasy game based on Jewish mythology, not, say, a Holocaust game.)
dtgreene: I actually would like to see a game rooted in Judaism.

Among the features of such a game:
* Many creatures from Jewish mythology/folklore would appear. (This includes golems, for example.)
* The plot might be based on Jewish stories.
* The music would be Jewish styles, like Klezmer.

(Note: This would be more of a fantasy game based on Jewish mythology, not, say, a Holocaust game.)
There are a number of biblical games based on Old Testament stories.

The Soul Reaver games, believe it or not, have a number of thematic elements that are borrowed from Kabbalah.

And getting away from religion, mysticism, mythology, and folklore Bioshock has a lot of modern Jewish cultural influences.
Post edited January 17, 2025 by NoClass77