Halo 4.
I looked forward to that game because I heard you could fight the Forerunners. They were the ones who built the Halo rings and I thought their addition was a great idea. I played through it to the part where the super evil bad dude was revealed and I was like "Aw yeah! Can't wait to fight this guy!" I continued the campaign expecting some wild as heck boss fight at the end. Finally, I reach the end, the bad guy is shooting Earth with some Death Star lookin' laser, I'm hyped as heck, aaaaannnd a QTE happens killing him in less than 10 seconds...
So yeah, all that excitement for nothing. It stinks because a lot of what came before was really cool; you could pilot a Pelican for a little while, on the last level you started off flying a space ship down a space trench, The new weapons were fun, and the bad guy was pretty intimidating when he choked Master Chief with his force power- WAIT. Death star lasers? Space trenches?! FORCE POWERS?!?!?! Oh snap! No wonder people don't like the new Halo trilogy! It was part of the Star Wars universe the whole time!