I am very close to letting go off Daggerfall. It just seems I advance so slowly. I am a spellsword at level 3 I think, and I am trying to perform as many Mage Guild quests as possible so that they allow me to use the services to summon that... something (Deadra? Diedre? Marlene Dietrich?) on a correct date so that I can get a quest to get the Oghnum Infifuckingfindum artifact in order to get an extra boost to my Endurance points (which then helps me to get max extra help points in subsequent level ups).
It is just that:
- The Mage Guild quests are as boring as hell. Usually they are about me having to go to some dungeon and run around trying to find a certain someone to kill, and then get back to the guild.
- The problem with the quests isn't fighting, but finding that damn creature or mage to kill. The automap in the game is pretty much useless for navigating to the parts of the dungeon which are still unexplored, the only way is to just run around blindly and hoping to find a room or corridor you haven't explored yet. I think I've run now in one dungeon for many hours trying to find the target, I have no idea where he/she is. I'm thinking of reloading a save game before accepting this quest and getting another one from the guild, but then there is no guarantee it will be any better, probably the very same problem again.
As much as people keep complaining how modern RPGs supposedly show you with a big arrow where to go with your quest... if the alternative is THIS shit where you just wander around aimlessly with a completely useless automap, yes thank you give me that damn big arrow on the top of my head! This kind of exploring isn't any fun, just stupid.
- Even though I have finished many of these boring mage guild quests already, I still don't get the rights to use those services. I am currently a "Journeyman" I think. How many quests do I have to perform before they allow me to summon that damn Dietrich? 300?
- The way you level up seems... obscure. Something about using your primary skills enough and then you level up when you sleep. What then when those primary skills reach 100%, does it mean I can't level up any more? One of my primary skills is already at 54% and another one at 48% or so, so when those reach 100%, is that it then, no more levelling up? Shit, I think I'll get only to like level 5 or so, and that's it.
I got the impression earlier that leveling up isn't that important in Daggerfall "because your skills get better by using them", but that doesn't seem to be the case really, unless you want to be stuck with e.g. your pisspoor health/spell points, low endurance/strength etc. I think you get more health points only when you level up (largely based on your Endurance), and you also get extra points to your attributes through leveling up. Getting your skill points up doesn't seem to need leveling up though, but that's only part of what you need to become more powerful iin the game.
- I really, REALLY, dislike how the diseases are implemented in this game. So you contract some disease from some rat or bat, not knowing about it until it is too late, ie. you are in a dungeon doing a quest while you get a bad feeling while trying to sleep, and then find out you have some disease which has degenerated most of your attributes for awhile, making it impossible or at least harder to continue the game, and you can't get to a town to get rid of the disease either before dying. Yeah I have the cure disease spell available now, but how do I detect the disease before it starts eating permanently my hard-earned attributes? Then again, I have now endurance at 76, hopefully it allows me to avoid getting diseases in the first place...
As much as I had problems fully enjoying TES Arena, at least it was more straightforward to comprehend. You level up when you have killed enough or performed enough quests, or even merely explored enough of dungeons (yes, even just searching new areas gives you extra experience points). While the dungeons were twisty and annoying at times, at least the automap was very easy to read, as in "I need to go towards northwest, that's the part of this level I haven't explored yet/that's where the exit to the next level is"). None of this "Which way am I heading now? Have i been here before?" as in Daggerfall.
I kinda liked doing the main quest, but my patience is wearing thin with the current Mage guild quests. I'm hoping to find some interesting reason to continue playing (as I generally like CRPGs which are about honing your skills and leveling up), but at this point there doesn't seem to be a point.
Post edited February 11, 2016 by timppu