AndrewC: I'm just having some CSS trouble (and I know next to nothing about CSS) because some elements share the same CSS id but different properties, so the header looks good but the forum is way too big.
Wishbone: Is there no way for you to override their class definitions, and control them that way?
Here are some jQuery selectors that are css compatible as well (from jQuery in Action):
* Matches any element.
E Matches all elements with tag name E.
E F Matches all elements with tag name F that are descendants of E.
E>F Matches all elements with tag name F that are direct children of E.
E+F Matches all elements with tag name F that are immediately preceded by sibling E.
E~F Matches all elements with tag name F preceded by any sibling E.
E.C Matches all elements with tag name E with class name C. Omitting E is the same as
E#I Matches all elements with tag name E with the id of I. Omitting E is the same as *#I.
E[A] Matches all elements with tag name E that have attribute A of any value.
E[A=V] Matches all elements with tag name E that have attribute A whose value is exactly V.
E[A^=V] Matches all elements with tag name E that have attribute A whose value starts with V.
E[A$=V] Matches all elements with tag name E that have attribute A whose value ends with V.
E[A!=V] Matches all elements with tag name E that have attribute A whose value doesn’t match
the value V, or that lack attribute A completely.
E[A*=V] Matches all elements with tag name E that have attribute A whose value contains V.
If I want all <a> tags that are descendant of a <div class="Menu"> tag, the css selector would look like this:
div.Menu a{
/* some css properties here */
There are also a couple of event base selectors like:
/* some css properties here */
to define the style of all the links that have the mouse cursor hovering over.