direspirefirewire: Try submitting a support ticket to GOG.COM SUPPORT CENTER > GOG GALAXY at
https://support.gog.com/hc/en-us/categories/201553025 ThePROgrammer14: Help i cant log in gog galaxy
If you're 200% certain that you are using exactly the same login and password combination as you do on the website, please contact our support via the link in the top menu. Please include further details (do you receive some error message? does the login form load at all?) as there could be different causes of this, like an anti-virus / firewall app blocking network access for the app...
Rancid5: I haven't recieved the update at all, still at 1.2.17 : /
1.2.18 doesnt show in the changelog ? is that a typo or ....
1.2.18 is currently available as opt-in public beta. You need to go to the GOG Galaxy settings and tick "Test upcoming features in GOG Galaxy public beta".