NuffCatnip: This thing won GotY awards? Man, standards are low these days, huh...
In before: Only my opinion, no need to lose your shit guys.
Now I'll be openly blasphemous: I think that Bethesda's (developed, not published, those are ok) games are not only massively overrated, but also downright bad.
Yes, I said it, Bethesda's games are bad.
They are an unimaginative, boring, dull, empty, unpolished, buggy, badly written pile of crap with the worst mechanics among AAA games I have ever seen.
The state in which they are released is embarassing even for amateurish-level developers, and the unmodded vanilla versions of the games are just junk.
This is only my opinion, of course, yet I believe that there are objectively bad points in them. Also, I don't understand how they could get away with all the crap they pull and profit (until now not really in a financial sense, but that will end soon) from their devoted, hard working modding fans... their sky high reputation is totally undeserved.
Now you can lynch me, if you want! XD
Still, I'll not change my mind. That's not for the grudge I have against them for raping Fallut, mind me. Maybe just a bit, but I really rationally think what I said.