inc09nito: Guild Wars 2 - unfortunately, no (official) gamepad support
TERA - awesome gamepad support (i played it for almost two years on Logitech Rumblepad,) aiming is a bit difficult at first, especially in pvp, but it rocks when doing combos and it gives so much faster reaction than on keyboard
And path of exile i played too. nice game, but no open world and way too laggy.
l0rdtr3k: Well,I can forgive GGG since they're a small studio but as far as Hack n' Slashes go,it's awesome.
I saw the MMO Grinder review of TERA and his reactions of the Elin were hilarious. I remember when the game came out,the outrage of that race was enormous.
And as far as I know,Scarlet Blade is actually a good game(if you go pass the *ahem* appeal*. I talked to a friend of mine and,according to him,there is a great game hidden in there.
I really liked Path of Exile and played it through the end (if you can call it like that). But let's be honest. However the game is good, it's just poor in content compared to huge titles like MMORPGs usually are. Last time I checked, in PoE I had five or six locations (or chapters) and a few bosses. This compared to games like TERA or FFXIV is not much. You basically run the same bosses, the same places all over again if you want to stay longer in it.
I tried Scarlet Blade too. I heard it's not bad, but I cannot say more. I was completely turned away by poor graphics, huge flat and empty spaces (like in old school MMOs in style of Lineage 2) and very bad animation. I wouldn't mind playing with a hot half-naked chick, but come on, at least let her animation be pleasant to the eye. I just couldn't stand it for long, so I quit fast. (Actually the same happened when I tried RIFT, praised by many, but OMG, those clumsy animations were putting me off).
Too much degree I have to agree with Green_Hilltop
MMOs today are WOW-clones, only some done better, some worse.
Some have better combat, but worse story, some have better graphics but worse combat, others have great world design but silly setting, etc.